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Music Player

Music Player


Simple music player built with HTML, CSS and Javascript. Functionality include play/pause, go to next or previous song, skip to different time in song by clicking on progress bar. Every song have unique image that changes with song.

Animated Template

Animated Template


This is a simple landing page inspired by creative tim's Tailwind starter kit. Gently modified to animate content on scroll using AOS library. Everything built with HTML, CSS and Javascript

Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe


Old classic Tic-Tac-Toe game created using ReactJS library. Available in multiplayer and computer mode. Currently in computer mode computer selects random position for its move, in future Min-Max Algo will be used to decide moves for computer.
Multiplayer mode is available only offline on same device that will be modified to play online with players on different devices.

Joke Teller

Joke Teller


A joke teller that will come up with random programming joke whenever you ask. It uses Joke API to get random joke and uses web speech API to say that joke for you. Web speech API basically is a text-to-speech API that will take text in form of string and convert it into speech

Tic Tac Toe

Quote Generator


This Quote generator uses Forismatic API to generate random quotes. It also allows sharing this quotes on twitter. It is developed using HTML, CSS and Javascript.